The Miracle Continues

Sunday March 9, 2025 at approximately 6:15 in the evening.The rosary was being prayed over the phone with Jim Cavanagh. Appearance happened at Mary’s Grotto Lakeville, Connecticut USA

On January 26, 2017, Mary the Mother of God revealed Her image on the garden wall of Michael Stanton’s home in Lakeville, Connecticut. At Her direction a grotto was built on the site and in it was placed a statue of Mary, the Immaculate Heart. It was only a beginning. In the past few months Our Lady has heightened Her presence at the grotto with miraculous new signs that continue to this day.

Sharing Our Time

These new graces began to make themselves known on June 7, 2020, the Feast of the Holy Trinity. As he went out to turn off the grotto’s lights that evening, Mike saw a remarkable change in Our Lady’s appearance. Where Mary’s face was once serene, now black streaks welled from Her eyes. The next morning clearly visible tears remained, and sometime later that day She smiled. It was as if our Sorrowful Mother had come to share in the difficult challenges we are facing today…and bring us hope.

In the next days changes in Mary’s physical appearance continued, including Her facial features and the color of Her gown. Shades of white, light blue, darker blue and gray appeared. As word of these signs spread, devoted followers of the Blessed Mother came to see.

A Call to Action

Janet Astileanu of Glens Falls, New York, visited on June 13th. A Holy Mass was being celebrated at the grotto that day and she took a photograph to commemorate the occasion. Appearing at once at Our Lady’s feet were powerful visual symbols…messages for our time.

Scriptural reference to the Alpha and Omega is found in Revelation 22:12-13 where Jesus declares: “Behold I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” The oil lamp appears in Matthew 25:1-13, the story or the wise virgins who are ready when the bridegroom comes at an unexpected time: “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.” Echoing Her call from Medjugorje, Our Lady urges us yet again to take action…now, without delay.

Light of Hope and Healing

Respond to Mary’s call with an opportunity for perpetual prayer. Light a candle at Mary’s Grotto…it will be renewed each day for an entire year for a donation of $200.00. Pray that the Blessed Mother will radiate the light of hope and healing into our present day…pray for family members, loved ones and special intentions…and pray to remain -always – in a state of grace.


At Mary’s Grotto and Retreat House in Lakeville, Our Lady continues to grace us with signs of Her presence today. Visit in your heart…visit in person. All are welcome.

The Miracle Continues pdf

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